Honest Review: Unbox and Test Range of Retevis RT388
Hi everyone, my name is Mongi Armity a Filipina mom living in Dresden, Germany. Today, we are going to unbox a product which i think would be really fun to have on our outdoor get aways. Let me show you how Retevis RT388 walkie talkie works and the actual scenarios on our outdoor fun. Then let's get started those!
How to Use
At first, we need to open the back cover to install 4 AAA batteries for each walkie talkie. Once the batteries are already installed, we can long press the power button to turn on. And there are steps to make two walkie talkies talk to each other.
RT388 also has a VOX function to make you hand-free when calling. So if you actually use the vox function, it will automatically connect and you don't need to click or press the talk button so you can automatically hear whatever the other person is saying or whatever they're doing you can hear.
Test in the Forest
We have tried out RT388 in the middle of the hidey forest, which was an outdoor space with lots of trees. I tested RT388 with my friend from the range of 20 meters to 600 meters. it was really fun since I heared him very clearly.
Test in Downtown
We did the range test again in Dresden central, which was in the middle of the city. My friend Rose helped me do the range test from the range of 100 meters to 900 meters. In this range we could hear each other clearly.
My Thoughts
Retevis RT388 walkie talkie is an excellent outdoor toy which makes the children interact instantly with other relatives or family and friends in the process of playing at the same time it is also possible to have a safe social distance while having fun. Great choices of children's birthday gifts, Easter Halloween Christmas and New Year's gifts for kids.
Thank you for reading this blog! If you have any questions, please leave your comments below. We are looking forward to your comments!
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