Real Reviews of Retevis RT602 Kid’s Walkie Talkie
Nowadays we are accustomed to checking other people's real reviews before buying a product. User's article or video comments are more authentic than product advertisements. Through those reviews, we can get a different perspective on the product and know the real experience of using it. Next, this blog will give you an insight into Retevis RT602 kid's walkie talkie through a real user experience.
General Introduction
Retevis RT602 is specially designed for kids. But it's not supposed to be a toy, it supposed to be like a full-featured walkie talkie. So you can see it has a small compact size, but it definitely has like a typical real adult walkie talkie type designed features. Moreover, the price of Retevis RT602 is pretty inexpensive.
Easy to Operate
Retevis RT602 is really simple to operate. There are just 7 buttons in total. And there are small icons on the buttons for easy operation. Children can quickly learn how to operate.
Real Cool Flashlight
On the right side of Retevis RT602 is the lamp button. It has a built-in mini flashlight which is a kind of cool. It's really good to searching for some little things when you're out camping with the kids.
Good Call Button
Retevis RT602 does have a call button in the middle of walkie talkie. If you just want to get somebody's attention on the other end, you just push the "C" button. Then the two walkie talkies will ring the bell at the same time. That works pretty well especially with kids.
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